Friday, January 25, 2008


So far I have found it hard adjusting to the Disney life. The flight seemed like hell and we had to wait around ages. I was sat around a lot of British girls on the programme though and we all bonded on the flight over which was nice. It was also real nice to meet some of the other people I've been talking to on facebook when I got here. Shout outs to Drew, Richard and Amy who I can safely say are just as awesome in real life.

I have been put at the 'Vista Way' complex sharing with four others. I have the privilege of having no room mate right now but that is likely to change. I'm one of those people that really needs to have their sleep and when the uncomfortable bed gave me hell it really got to me... and then of course you start thinking about how nice your bed at home is and how much of a good nights sleep you would be getting if you were there... haha. I called my mum on Tuesday to talk and ended up in tears which is quite unusual for me... that's how much of a shock to the system it has been.

Shout out to my american friend Kim though who tried so hard to make me feel better about being here. She drove me to get groceries and an american cell and stuff and just really tried to take my mind off things. I really appreciated it.

When I did 'Traditions' training I started feeling better about things then. It reminded me why I came to work for Disney and what a great opportunity it is I've been given. I have been placed at the Epcot park but I'm not entirely sure what it is I will be doing yet. My educated guess is that I am going to be in charge of one of the 'Pin Trading' wagons in Future World. I was gutted at first because I wanted another park but now I've come to grips with what it is I will be doing I am happier. I actually went to Epcot last night and saw the firework display. It was just fantastic!

Yesterday I saw the UCF campus for Rosen College and is a truly beautiful campus. I start classes later today and I'm looking forward to it. I didn't get much sleep last night but hopefully I'll sleep easier tonight for my first day of merchandise training at the Disney university.

I miss the UK a lot but I'm hanging in here. Ben can be tough. Haha.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


So today is my last day in the UK. I meant to write a while ago to tell you all about the US Embassy experience. I had to go to London obviously and it was quite a hilarious day. I met a few of the people going on the programme from the UK which was wicked and they seemed like a great bunch of people. I'd talked to a few of them for a few months so it was really good to meet them. I'm probably talking mostly about Alex here (who is much taller than she looks in her photos haha). We had a hilarious day though watching people trip over Tesco bags and the tourist who just *stopped* oblivious to an angry walker. Haha. I can tell there will be many legendary adventures to come though!
So to sum up the embassy... basically a mixture of a Doctor's surgery waiting room, a bank and going to buy cheese at the supermarket. It smelt like a doctor's surgery anyway. You basically wait and then when your ticket is called you go and hand all your forms in and they take your fingerprints. I couldn't put my hand down too flat I was quite nervous. Then you have a second *interview* where they ask you a few questions. Then if approved you leave your passport and they stamp it and send it back to you.

So back to my last day... people ask me what I will miss most. It probably sounds cheesy but will miss all the friends I made here the most. Anything else I will get back to you on because I probably don't know what I will miss until I get there haha.

Today I have to finish packing, get my dollars and make sure I have all my important documents (there are about 20 of them I swear). I'm mostly excited but nervous about who I will share a room with. I suspect whoever that person ends up to be is just as worried about me though haha. The picture I've enclosed is a giant cookie that they got me at the Disney Store. I always wanted one so once again... another dream to tick off the list! There is also some snaps from the farewell dinner I had with my cousins. We watched Ratatouille. It is really good but I don't think it is my favourite Pixar movie. And thanks for the cookies you made Amanda!

Some of you may have recieved a personal video message on facebook today. If you did I hope you enjoyed it! Catch u all soon!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Working for Disney

I like to think my adventure with Disney began a little early because I became a Christmas temp at my local Disney Store in early October. I've really enjoyed my time there and they must have liked me because they have let me stay on until I leave for Florida!

I was inspired to write this because today I had an experience I didn't think I would have. It was a normal day for me at the cash reigster today selling shed loads of sale items and High School Musical merchandise (who knew it would be so popular?!) and a little girl comes to me with her grandmother. She is about six years old and I could tell she either had downes syndrome or was autistic or perhaps both I'm not sure. She couldn't really talk properly because of her disability but she pointed at my High School Musical 2 T shirt (which is my uniform) and she clapped at it. I asked her if she liked High School Musical and she made a few sounds which suggested she did. She was smiling so much and was really mesmirised by my t shirt.

Her grandmother was actually buying her a Snow White dress and when I was putting it in the bag she got so excited it actually almost brought a tear to my eye, it was so moving. I asked her if the dress was for her as I often do with the kids (she giggled really excitedly) and I can't really describe how her reactions made me feel. Here was a girl right in front of me who probably knows already at the age of 6 that she is *different* to other children... yet she seemed especially content and delighted that she got to dress up as a princess... just like any little girl. She seemed almost happier than other little girls of her age. To know the dress had made her feel so happy was a really nice feeling.

They say that is the magic of Disney. I think it's one of the reasons I have such a high respect for the company. Not only that but I feel without Disney my own childhood may have been more traumatic and less musical. I love how much delight it brings to people and I think it's especially wonderful how even the foreign or the mute can still recognise and be delighted by a Disney character. And there really is no age limit on the joy. I've seen that already without even being at Disney World.

An introduction

For the people who stumble across my page who don't really know me I figured I should do a bit of an introduction bit first.

My name is Ben and I currently live in Cardiff, United Kingdom. I graduated from the University of Southampton in July, 2007. I studied music because that is my forte. Singing is a big part of my life but I won't be talking much about that side of me here. If you're interested in that you should check out

Like most graduates, I finished uni and didn't know what the heck it was I wanted to do. However, since I was a small child I always thought if I wasn't a singer/songwriter I'd like to work for the Walt Disney Company. I could've gone straight up to London to continue pursuing a music career but I knew I needed to take a break from that.

The summer was a real tough time for me. Nothing was happening and it got kind of depressing. It didn't help me being in Cardiff because I don't have a whole lot of good memories here so I regret to say I''ve never been fond of the idea of having to settle here. But then along came a perfect opportunity...

A chance to work at Walt Disney World and take a 'Hospitality Management' course at the University of Central Florida. I applied and as I'm sure you can imagine I was ecstatic when I got accepted. It felt like a lot of my prayers had been answered and that life had a direction.

So now I will leave Cardiff on January 20th 2008 to live in Orlando. And this blog exists to detail my whole experience of my adventure in america. Is there really a big party on 4th July? Do people *that* fat really exist? Will I go to Vegas and end up getting married at a drive through service?

All remains to be seen but all I know is I'm going to grab this opportunity with both hands and try as many new and exciting things as possible. Can't wait!