Saturday, January 19, 2008


So today is my last day in the UK. I meant to write a while ago to tell you all about the US Embassy experience. I had to go to London obviously and it was quite a hilarious day. I met a few of the people going on the programme from the UK which was wicked and they seemed like a great bunch of people. I'd talked to a few of them for a few months so it was really good to meet them. I'm probably talking mostly about Alex here (who is much taller than she looks in her photos haha). We had a hilarious day though watching people trip over Tesco bags and the tourist who just *stopped* oblivious to an angry walker. Haha. I can tell there will be many legendary adventures to come though!
So to sum up the embassy... basically a mixture of a Doctor's surgery waiting room, a bank and going to buy cheese at the supermarket. It smelt like a doctor's surgery anyway. You basically wait and then when your ticket is called you go and hand all your forms in and they take your fingerprints. I couldn't put my hand down too flat I was quite nervous. Then you have a second *interview* where they ask you a few questions. Then if approved you leave your passport and they stamp it and send it back to you.

So back to my last day... people ask me what I will miss most. It probably sounds cheesy but will miss all the friends I made here the most. Anything else I will get back to you on because I probably don't know what I will miss until I get there haha.

Today I have to finish packing, get my dollars and make sure I have all my important documents (there are about 20 of them I swear). I'm mostly excited but nervous about who I will share a room with. I suspect whoever that person ends up to be is just as worried about me though haha. The picture I've enclosed is a giant cookie that they got me at the Disney Store. I always wanted one so once again... another dream to tick off the list! There is also some snaps from the farewell dinner I had with my cousins. We watched Ratatouille. It is really good but I don't think it is my favourite Pixar movie. And thanks for the cookies you made Amanda!

Some of you may have recieved a personal video message on facebook today. If you did I hope you enjoyed it! Catch u all soon!

1 comment:

Owen said...

Hey Ben, thanks for the mention in the video message!

Im always reading blogs so ill make sure I have a read of yours from time to time as its always good knowing you have readers!

Hope the flight goes ok man!
