Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Curse of the Caribbean 1 + 2

Adventure One

So on Thursday after a day at Animal Kingdom/Epcot me and Drew left Rahila and Chris to go to Downtown Disney. And so the adventure began...

We excited Epcot through the world showcase to come out at a resort so we could get a bus to Downtown. Drew was convinced Downtown was close so naturally we thought we could walk there... half hour later we were at some random Disney mini golf place and the lights Drew thought were Downtown were actually Hollywood Studios. Still... he was convinced we were close... so on we trek... first we pass two old men and one of them farts on us (rank right?!) and then we start our trek down some random highway. We get to a random swamp and I'm shitting myself because I think there is an aligator in there that is going to chase us down the highway. Then I'm hearing grasshoppers... and a frog jumps out on us. Then... the sidewalk ends and we're literally trekking through grass and I'm not liking the idea of a snake attacking me. Then... more swamps, a few random honks from drivers... and we think we're gonna get shot. After about an hour we get to Caribbean Beach Resort. Drew dubs us lost so we take the safe option of going into the resort and getting a bus to Downtown. We finally arrive at Downtown!

Adventure Two

Me and Kim miss the bus home from Downtown so we think we should get a shuttle to the Caribbean hotel to get a bus there back to Vista. We get off at the resort and discover the hotel is more like a community (huuuuuuuge!). It is the size of my village back home I swear. Some random chinese guy tells us the check in is 'far far far'. So we go over a long bridge and we wander for what feels like five hours (through 'Barbados' and 'Africa') before eventually finding the front desk. Kim who had decided to roll down the hill then discovered she had dropped her phone so after some more endless wandering we find it and go back to front desk. They tell us where the bus is and a kind bus driver drives us to cast service which ironically was near where we started walking from. It's midnight by this point and I have to get up early. Then back at Vista, naturally I don't go to bed - I go to visit Drew and Rich instead and we play guitar and sing random songs. Save Tonight! I got five hours sleep if that. Today is a long day... and I'm apparently getting a room mate today. Exciting times. Even though I'm planning on moving appartments in a week I'm still nervous about them. I've been told they are Brazilian.

Conclusion... when things go wrong... the Caribbean Beach Resort is probably close by

The End

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