Saturday, January 5, 2008

An introduction

For the people who stumble across my page who don't really know me I figured I should do a bit of an introduction bit first.

My name is Ben and I currently live in Cardiff, United Kingdom. I graduated from the University of Southampton in July, 2007. I studied music because that is my forte. Singing is a big part of my life but I won't be talking much about that side of me here. If you're interested in that you should check out

Like most graduates, I finished uni and didn't know what the heck it was I wanted to do. However, since I was a small child I always thought if I wasn't a singer/songwriter I'd like to work for the Walt Disney Company. I could've gone straight up to London to continue pursuing a music career but I knew I needed to take a break from that.

The summer was a real tough time for me. Nothing was happening and it got kind of depressing. It didn't help me being in Cardiff because I don't have a whole lot of good memories here so I regret to say I''ve never been fond of the idea of having to settle here. But then along came a perfect opportunity...

A chance to work at Walt Disney World and take a 'Hospitality Management' course at the University of Central Florida. I applied and as I'm sure you can imagine I was ecstatic when I got accepted. It felt like a lot of my prayers had been answered and that life had a direction.

So now I will leave Cardiff on January 20th 2008 to live in Orlando. And this blog exists to detail my whole experience of my adventure in america. Is there really a big party on 4th July? Do people *that* fat really exist? Will I go to Vegas and end up getting married at a drive through service?

All remains to be seen but all I know is I'm going to grab this opportunity with both hands and try as many new and exciting things as possible. Can't wait!


Tink said...

Congratulations! I just have a question, when you get accepted to that program, do you have to be a student in your own country, or can you just apply anyway?

Matt said...

Oooh, you've got me hooked!

I'll be tracking your adventures from sunny Southampton back home in the U of K.

Make the most of it boyo, sure you'll have an amazing time!

Ben said...

Thank you guys.

To trude_beate - the programme I am doing is open to applicants from all over the world but you have to contact the appropriate agency in your country to be considered. You also have to be a recent graduate.

Dream the dream... said...

cant wait to here all the information!!! miss you so much , we will need to chat soon over skype so i can laugh again! :D xxxx